The Importance of 3S Standards For Forex Investors

The investor of forex must know the name of standards 3 S, among the many standards to learn trading. This guide is particularly for those of you that intentionally learn how to profession independently, also known as self-taught.

If you decide to learn how to profession independently, it is best to do so with clear rules. You can use these 3 S's to guide you well in finding the essential concepts in learning how to profession. This guide will make you not confused about where to begin and where to go next.

This 3S standard is the outcome of Steve Ward, a trading coach and proprietor of High Efficiency Global Ltd. What is meant by 3 S is Ability and knowledge, Strategy, and Specify. So, how can these 3 points be used as standards for learning how to profession? Here is the description.

Abilities and Knowledge

Your ability knowledge can be translated as ability and knowledge. These first 2 elements must be developed while learning how to profession. Don't anticipate you to become an effective investor without grasping the basic knowledge required in forex trading. With knowledge, you can easily develop your abilities.

Therefore, begin the learning process by discovering various knowledge relates to the globe of forex trading. You can begin with basic knowledge for novices, essential and technological evaluation, kinds of strategies, market psychology, trading systems, and others. The greater the degree of trading knowledge of a investor, the more prominent it will get on his degree of self-confidence.


The strategy described here's the application of abilities and knowledge that become funding. You should develop a trading strategy that involves risk management. In developing a strategy, you should adjust it for your own understanding, convenience and trading design.

At the beginning of your learning, perhaps the strategy that's used doesn't have unique worth, because it's performed based upon requirements that currently exist. However, in time, the experience gained and the increase in your ability to profession, after that you can change the strategy as you wish. Therefore, there's no need to pay attention to the advice of various other investors that certainly do not always suit your own.


This specify associates to essential physical and psychological specifies. This is thought to be a factor of the success of using the knowledge, capcapacities, and strategies you have.